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如果有一个话题被写过的话, 研究了, 调查和研究到第n度, 这是领导.

需要高效, 有技能的领导者非常多——尤其是在创新的医疗保健领域, 每天都迫切需要成功的策略和解决问题的能力, 甚至每小时, 基础.

非营利组织2014年的一项调查 国家医疗保健领导中心 says that the unprecedented pace of change within healthcare organizations requires new leadership competencies, including less focus on individual leaders and more focus on the capabilities of leadership teams. It also identified leadership as an important role for improving health outcomes.

不幸的是, what makes for a great leadership team within the healthcare setting can be difficult to define. Leadership characteristics can be vague, nebulous and even downright elusive.

So, 从商业世界中得到启示, we narrowed down exactly which business skills are necessary to become an effective leader within the realm of healthcare. 更重要的是, we’ve sought out the best advice for how you can gain these skills so you can take your leadership savvy to the highest level.

Because there are literally hundreds of thousands of articles and books on top leadership traits, 而不是通过一个虚拟的信息库进行筛选, mg不朽情缘游戏网址去找了一位医疗领导力方面的专家, 莱斯利王, Ph.D.他是mg不朽情缘游戏网址健康学院院长 & 公共管理.

In addition to being the dean of the college, he’s also the program chair for the 医疗管理博士(DHA),并在美国高等教育网络委员会任职 美国医疗管理人员学院.

这是mg不朽情缘游戏网址的Q&A和Dr. 为什么——以及如何——在医疗保健领域获得商业领导技能.

Why is there such a need for business-style leadership in healthcare right now?

There’s been a slow shift in healthcare in this country over the last five or so years with the 平价医疗法案 (也被称为“奥巴马医改”).”) There’s no question that America has some of the most advanced medicine, 技术和保健教育机构, and yet we have one of the least effective healthcare systems 在这个世界上. mg不朽情缘游戏网址在全球范围内的地位如此之低,这有点尴尬.  就在几年前, 世界卫生报告 mg不朽情缘游戏网址的医疗系统排名第37位th 在这个世界上. Clearly we’re not missing technology, education or elaborate systems, but we are missing something. And that something is – people who can lead healthcare organizations way beyond individual components to serve the betterment of communities.

What’s wrong with our healthcare system and how can business-inspired leadership make a positive impact?

Healthcare is a complex system and it seems as if we haven’t figured out as a country how to get all of the good stuff we have to serve human populations. Instead we have lots of people coming into a system that’s not doing very well. 治疗疾病的初期是很昂贵的. mg不朽情缘游戏网址需要了解人口健康, 这意味着,与其等着人们生病来找mg不朽情缘游戏网址, we need to go to populations with our services – especially education and preventive ones. One of the greatest failures we’ve seen in this country is how to make all of our healthcare components work together to improve outcomes, 降低成本, 降低患病率并预防发病. We need leaders who don’t just treat disease but ensure human health across communities instead.


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There are several crucial qualities and business leadership skills for this age of unprecedented healthcare reform. 根据我的经验,这里有11个品质可以成为一个伟大的领导者. 一个伟大的医疗保健领导者:

  1. 有远见并能执行
  2. 激励他人参与和行动
  3. 做出明智、自信的决定
  4. 公平待人
  5. 善于沟通吗
  6. 冒着明智的风险
  7. 是一个终身学习者
  8. Understands that healthcare is as much about preventing disease as treating it
  9. 授权和动员卫生保健系统内外的人员
  10. 寻找了解和促进人类健康的方法
  11. 采取全面的方法来决策和解决问题


One of the best ways to enhance your own research and leadership training is through a doctoral program, a Ph值.D. 或者是医疗管理的应用博士. A terminal degree will help leaders research and understand the broad implications of politics, 经济与运营. 高级学位,如应用博士学位, 能培养出能够解决紧迫健康问题的领导者吗, such as prevalence of obesity within a population or a medical procedure with a high mortality rate. We know that delivery of care and healing isn’t just about checkboxes with inputs and outputs. Today’s and tomorrow’s healthcare leaders have a unique opportunity to leverage business leadership skills so that what they do will have a positive and meaningful impact on the healthcare system.


An applied professional practice degree such as a doctorate in healthcare administration will prepare you to become an expert who has a real understanding of the value of all the players in the continuum of care – not just within the hospital but also within the local and national community. Doctorally trained leaders understand that their role is not just to lead others in preventing disease, 同时也为了健康而赋予人民权力并动员人民. Great leaders never clock out; they’re always looking to pursue and advance their understanding of the complexities of the changing culture of human health, 以及管理驱动力,以产生最大的积极影响. 伟大的领导者也知道如何参与和包容. 任何人都可以平衡预算或处理投入和产出. 这需要一个特殊的领导者, 虽然, to look at every person inside and outside of the healthcare system and treat him or her holistically. 它变成了一种更精神的东西, more emotional and more societal when we have healthcare leaders who look at each patient and worker as 虽然 it’s someone in their own family.

了解更多 mg不朽情缘试玩的DHA如何让你成为一个更好的领导者.
